This blog isn't maintained anymore. Check out my current project, an agile/scrum management tool.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Deadlines and Authentication Tokens

A new version of AgileAgenda Basecamp Edition was posted today with two big changes.

The first is we're using a new authentication mechanism that will become mandatory in the near future for all third party applications that integrate with Basecamp. Instead of using your username and password to log in, you'll use a special authentication code.

You can find that authentication code inside your Basecamp account under the "My Info" link.

The second big change is we now show you the deadline dates for both milestones and tasks in the AgileAgenda task editor. They'll turn red when the estimated completion date is after the deadline to let you know when deadlines won't be met. Editing them in AgileAgenda will update them in Basecamp. There's also a new menu option to copy the estimated completion dates to this deadline field.

Monday, March 24, 2008

AIR / Browser API example

AIR / Browser API example

The other day I blogged about a wrapper class that I wrote to handle the AIR / Browser integration API.  Below is an example of another class that I wrote that uses that wrapper class.  It's capable of detecting two different AIR applications, installing them, and running them.  It relies on the wrapper class to do all the heavy lifting, but I thought this might be a good example to help people get started.

package com.agileagenda.web

import com.roguedevelopment.air.AIRBrowserRuntime;

import com.roguedevelopment.air.AIRBrowserRuntimeEvent;


public class InstalledApplications


public static function get instance() : InstalledApplications


if( _instance == null ) { _instance = new InstalledApplications(); }

return _instance;


protected static var _instance:InstalledApplications = null;

protected var api:AIRBrowserRuntime;  

protected static const PUBLISHER_ID:String = "F49A4D8DF78A1FEE7A3BE440DC11BAB18D922274.1";

protected static const TRACKER_ID:String =  "com.agileagenda.AgileTracker";

protected static const MAIN_APP_ID:String = "com.agileagenda.AgileAgenda";

protected static const AGILE_AGENDA_INSTALL:String =  "";

protected static const AGILE_TRACKER_INSTALL:String = "";

[Bindablepublic var isReady:Boolean=false;

[Bindablepublic var hasAIR:Boolean;

[Bindablepublic var agileAgendaVersion:String = "";

[Bindablepublic var agileTrackerVersion:String = "";

public function InstalledApplications()


  api = new AIRBrowserRuntime();

  api.addEventListener(AIRBrowserRuntimeEvent.READY, onReady );

  api.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onAirFail );



protected function onAirFail(event:IOErrorEvent) : void


  trace( event.text );


protected function onReady(event:AIRBrowserRuntimeEvent ) : void


  hasAIR = api.getStatus() == 'installed';

  isReady = true;

  api.addEventListener(AIRBrowserRuntimeEvent.APP_VERSION_RESULT, onTrackerVersionResult );

  api.getApplicationVersion( TRACKER_ID, PUBLISHER_ID );


protected function onTrackerVersionResult(event:AIRBrowserRuntimeEvent) : void


  trace("Tracker version installed: " + event.detectedVersion );

  agileTrackerVersion = event.detectedVersion

  api.removeEventListener(AIRBrowserRuntimeEvent.APP_VERSION_RESULT, onTrackerVersionResult );

  api.addEventListener(AIRBrowserRuntimeEvent.APP_VERSION_RESULT, onAppVersionResult );

  api.getApplicationVersion( MAIN_APP_ID, PUBLISHER_ID );


protected function onAppVersionResult(event:AIRBrowserRuntimeEvent ) : void


  trace("Application version installed: " + event.detectedVersion );

  agileAgendaVersion  = event.detectedVersion

  api.removeEventListener(AIRBrowserRuntimeEvent.APP_VERSION_RESULT, onAppVersionResult );


public function launchAgileAgenda( args:Array ) : void


  api.launchApplication( MAIN_APP_ID, PUBLISHER_ID, args );


public function launchAgileTracker( args:Array ) : void


  api.launchApplication( TRACKER_ID, PUBLISHER_ID, args );


public function installAgileAgenda(args:Array) : void


  api.installApplication(AGILE_AGENDA_INSTALL, "1.0", args );


public function installAgileTracker(args:Array) : void


  api.installApplication(AGILE_TRACKER_INSTALL, "1.0", args );




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Sunday, March 23, 2008

Interacting with an AIR app from a browser based app

Interacting with an AIR app from a browser based app
We've all seen the AIR installation badges that let you install an AIR application from a website. But the API exposed to do that lets you do more than just a simple badge. I've been working on a web-based service for AgileAgenda. One of the components of that is to manage the list of files you've saved to the service and be able to open those in the desktop AIR application. So right from within the online Flex based app it sure would be nice to detect if the application is installed, give the user the option to install, and then launch it for them and automatically open the desired file. Something like this...
To implement that we need to:
  1. Detect whether or not the application is installed.
  2. Display the version number if it is. (Disable the "Open schedule in..." button if it's not)
  3. When clicking on the "Open" link, launch the application with a few parameters so it know what to open.
  4. When clicking on the "Install" link, install the application and pass a few parameters so it know what to open when it launches directly after the install.
Doing things like that falls outside of the normal AS3 web development API. But Adobe provides a swf that you can load at runtime and them make calls to. You can read all about that over here:
But there's an annoying thing with that. You need to load up that remote swf and then access it like a dynamic object. No compiler-time type checking. Not the standard event mechanism. And no code-completion from within Flex Builder.
Luckily for you, I went through and made a wrapper class that you can download from here:
This will handle the loading of the remote swf, dispatching events when it loads (or fails to load) and then wraps the API for the entire process. There's nothing revolutionary in there, it's mostly takendirectly from that livedocs page above.
So now that you have that handy-dandy wrapper class, lets look at how to actually get something done.
Setting up your AIR application to work with your website (Important)
First thing, go into your AIR application's -app.xml file and make sure allowBrowserInvocation is set to true. By default it's set to false.


If you don't do this, you won't even be able to query version information on your application. But, be careful. By doing this you're letting any website launch your AIR application from a web page. You need to be careful in how much your app trusts command line arguments passed to it. For instance, you should never pass a file to delete on the command line.

Now that you've set allowBrowserInvocation to true, create a new .air file and post that to your website somewhere.

Using the wrapper class to interact with your application

Either open an existing Flex or Actionscript project in FlexBuilder and put the source to the somewhere that the compiler will find it. Somewhere in your main application, create an AIRBrowserRuntime object, set some event listeners, and call the load() method to load the air.swf file from Adobe's servers.

var api:AIRBrowserRuntime;


api = new AIRBrowserRuntime();

api.addEventListener(AIRBrowserRuntimeEvent.READY, onReady );

// Optional: api.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onAirFail );


Once the READY event is dispatched, you can start calling methods to query application versions, install apps, or launch applications.

Checking if AIR is installed

To see if the AIR runtime is installed, call the getStatus() method. It will return one of three values.

available - The AIR runtime can be installed on this computer but currently it is not installed

unavailable - The AIR runtime cannot be installed on this computer.

installed - The AIR runtime is installed on this computer.


switch( api.getStatus() )


case "available": trace("AIR is available, but not installed."); break;

case "unavailable": trace("AIR is not available for this computer."); break;

case "installed": trace("AIR is already installed on this computer."); break;


Checking the version of an installed application

The getApplicationVersion method will check to see if a given application is installed and give you the version if it is. This method operates asynchronously so you have to create an event listener before you call it. If you look at the method signature...

public function getApplicationVersion(applicationID:String, publisherID:String) : void

You'll see that it takes an applicationID and a publisherID. The applicationID is just value of the <id> tag of your application descriptor (the -app.xml file). It'll probably be something like this, but you need to make sure to make each application unique:


The publisherID is a little trickier to find. That doesn't get assigned until you actually sign your .AIR file with your code-signing key. I know of 2 ways of finding it, but there's probably an easier way (please leave a comment if you know how).

Warning about Publisher ID:  If you change the key your sign your app with, the publisher ID will change.

Option 1: Get it at runtime.

In your application's main MXML throw up an Alert message with the publisher ID. Then build a .air, install the .air and run it. Copy & Paste the result.  Example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx=""

    creationComplete="init()" >



    protected function init() : void 

    { nativeApplication.publisherID);





Which results in something resembling:

It's hard to see in that picture, but the publisher ID is: F49A4D8DF78A1FEE7A3BE440DC11BAB18D922274.1 as it wraps to two lines.
Option 2: Get it after install
This is probably a bit easier, but I'm not 100% sure where this directory goes on a windows box.
On OSX (maybe on Windows, I'm not sure exactly where) the application storage directory that gets created for your application has the publisher ID appended to it. So if you look in your user directory -> Library -> Preferences, you should see a directory that starts with your application ID and ends with your publisher ID.
As you can see there, we get the same publisher ID value as Option #1.
On to checking installed version
Now that you have your application ID and your publisher ID you can make a call from your web application to the API to request the installed version of your AIR application.  This operates asynchronously so you'll need an event listener for the result.

api.addEventListener(AIRBrowserRuntimeEvent.APP_VERSION_RESULT, onTrackerVersionResult );

api.getApplicationVersion( "com.agileagenda.AgileTracker", "F49A4D8DF78A1FEE7A3BE440DC11BAB18D922274.1" );


protected function onTrackerVersionResult(event:AIRBrowserRuntimeEvent) : void


trace("Tracker version installed: " + event.detectedVersion );


The event.detectedVersion that comes back will be the value in your application descriptor version tag.  Mine looks like this:


So the trace output looks like this:

Tracker version installed: v1

Launching an installed AIR application

Assuming you followed along in the previous section, you have an Application ID and a Publisher ID ready. To launch an AIR app from a web app you just call

api.launchApplication( "com.agileagenda.AgileTracker", "F49A4D8DF78A1FEE7A3BE440DC11BAB18D922274.1" );

launchApplication has a third, optional, parameter called arguments and is typed as an array. Anything you pass into that will be passed along to the application in an INVOKE event. This way you can pass information from the web application to the AIR application. Example:
api.launchApplication( "com.agileagenda.AgileTracker", "F49A4D8DF78A1FEE7A3BE440DC11BAB18D922274.1", ["Argument1","Argument2" ] );
Be careful, the arguments are very restrictive in what characters can be passed. Things like dashes, percent signs, underscores, all cause a runtime exception on the web application. You're probably safest only using alphanumeric characters. I haven't found a comprehensive list of what characters are or are not valid. If someone has that, please leave a comment below.  This was done for security reasons.
Installing an AIR application
To install an AIR application, all you need to do is call the installApplication with the absolute URL to the .air file you want to install. Example:

This will take care of installing the AIR runtime, installing the application, and launching it for the first time. installApplication has two more optional parameters. The AIR runtime that the application requires, and arguments that can be passed to the application for it's first run. Example:

That's all there is to it.
So that's it, pretty simple, huh? You might also want to look into using a LocalConnection to do realtime communication between your web-app and your air-app once the air-app has been launched. Recap of the links:
Wrapper Class:
Adobe's Documentation:
My Blog (where any updates to the wrapper class will be posted)
The actual air.swf that does all the heavy lifting (This URL is wrong in some of the docs!)

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Saturday, March 22, 2008

ObjectHandles Demo

Here's a short demo of some of the stuff that ObjectHandles (my Flex library for moving & resizing stuff) can do with a very minimal amount of code.  

The custom things I did:
  • Has a MOVING / RESIZING event handler to show a custom tooltip (hides the tooltip on MOVED / RESIZED)
  • Has custom resize handle images that look like grey horizontal bars
  • Only allows vertical resizing (allowHResize = false).
  • On a MOVED event, the objects have an animation that snaps them to a column.
It's a little hard to see in that video, but the duration & start time in the tooltip update as you move or resize the boxes around.

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Boston Flex Users Group

I saw this posted today by Joe Berkovitz and it made my day.  There's a new Flex users' group starting up and the best part, it's in Newton which is a few short miles from where I work.


Monday, March 17, 2008

The power of RSS

A year ago I didn't read any RSS feed. I browsed the internet like it was meant to be browsed, through websites! I read 3, maybe 4, sites daily. I occasionally viewed another dozen less frequently.

A year ago I started to add sites to my "web clips" bar on the top of my GMail account. They were all development related sites, mostly flash/flex. Pretty soon I had a dozen or so and I found myself clicking that little ">" button on the webclips bar over and over and over again to see more and more and more.

Six months ago I switched to Google Reader. I copied my list of RSS feeds from web-clips. And I added a few more. This was great, way easier reading them from the webclips interface. I subscribed to my Bugzilla bug list at work, no more refreshing a page to get a list.  I unsubscribed from a few mailing lists I was a part of and picked up their feeds.

I now had a single, central, place to go to look for news items about software development.

A month or two after that I started adding feeds for other topics besides development. Project management, web comics, even a blog from a guy making art out of bent objects.

It's around that time that the RSS reader became my first destination when browsing the web for any reason. I wouldn't hit slashdot, or cnn, or whatever. I'd hit my RSS feeds. I'd be able to quickly browse over more content, in nice neat categories, than I ever could before.

Now, I have two main jumping points for the web. 1) Google when I'm searching for a specific thing. 2) My RSS reader for everything else.

So when I go to a website that I might want to remember in the future, I don't instinctively go for that add-bookmark button. I look for the little "RSS" icon.

I think more and more people are ending up like this. I was certainly a late-comer to the world of RSS in the group of "geeks", but I wonder if we'll hit a point like the www hit when only geeks used a web browser, to everyone using a web browser.

I ran a survey for AgileAgenda on what features people are interested in seeing in future versions. Out of curiosity I put in "Subscribe to schedules through an RSS feed." Amazingly, that was the only option with near 100% "yes" votes. I didn't even know what that means. I've talked to a few people and they all thought it was a great idea, but then I pressed on why.  Nobody seemed to quite know what type of data those feeds should have in them.  

It feels like the time we hit a few years back when "everything" has to be on the web. But now it's "everything" has to be in an RSS feed. When deciding to put things in an RSS feed, I hope our web-lessons help and we can tell between what is an idea, or a idea.

If you're writing Flex/Flash code to parse out RSS feeds, you should check out:
It handles the differences between the various RSS/Atom formats for you.

p.s. I've since come up with a plan for RSS based schedules, but don't want to spoil the surprise before it's ready.  It's going to rock.


Custom Cursors + Multiple Windows

Quick tip.  Don't use CursorManager.setCursor anymore.  It works fine for single-window flex apps, but breaks once you have an AIR app with multiple windows.

UIComponent now has a cursorManager property that references the cursor manager for the current window.  If you use that it'll work all the time, not just in web Flex apps.

I understand why they left CursorManager in there for backwards compatibility, but it's a shame we can't mark it as @deprecated like in the Java world.
